Welcome to Natural Center Tours
Natural Center Tours is a little and human company specialized in outdoor activities and travels all around Costa Rica.
Since the beginning we work with the local population to promote a united and responsible tourism.
Our devise is to give the best customer service while offering them a large choices of activities, travels and transportation services.
“It will be a pleasure for me and my team to help you to plan your next vacations to Costa Rica.
I really love this nature paradise since I’ve discovered it in 2015.
I’ll share with you my experience and my all favourites. “
Pierre Lidec – Owner and Travel Agent

Our ecological commitment goes beyond not promoting highly polluting activities. At Natural Center Tours, we are dedicated to environmental conservation.
We are part of the "Donatapa" project, whose objective is to clean the beach of plastic while creating spaces and equipment for people with disabilities.
We also have a close relationship with the Blue Flag committee to restore the environmental effort that Playa Samara had in previous years.
Our team has organized and participated in large beach cleanups, as well as reforestation projects near the coastal area.
We know there is still a lot to do, so from Natural Center Tours, we will continue to generate efforts, create awareness and educate the youngest with the example, to have a cleaner and healthier planet!

At Natural Center Tours, we believe in adding value and contributing to our staff and community. Based on this, various actions have been taken to improve the quality of life in Sámara.
We currently have a certification from INAMU (National Institute for Women) as a "Safe Spaces for Women" initiative. This certification ensures that our office is a responsive and safe place in the event of attacks against women, specifically addressing situations of harassment and more.
We have in mind to get involved in more social initiatives that can benefit the community of Sámara. We are open to more initiatives with open arms!

Being part of a tourism chamber allows us to actively engage with the local community. Chambers often organize events , providing opportunities for us to participate and contribute to the development and well-being of the area.
Chambers of commerce often provide valuable resources, information, and training opportunities to their members.
Tourism chambers act as advocates for the industry at the local, regional, and national levels. They represent the interests of their members by voicing concerns, providing input on tourism-related policies, and collaborating with government authorities on issues affecting the sector. Through the chamber, we have a collective voice and influence decision-making processes that have a positive impact on all the members.